I have just spent a weekend with Kasia near Warsaw, Poland, where we participated in Dr Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Retreat. I discovered his meditations three years ago while I was undergoing cancer treatment. As a result, I underwent a sort of change in perception and in the belief that I could overcome my illness and create a better life for myself.
It is not that my life is absolutely perfect now, and every morning I jump up from bed full of energy and optimism. Or that I don’t encounter obstacles, dark thoughts, and disappointments. But I’ve found enough strength to change certain habits of my old self. I believe that because of that, I’m still alive and have the life I dreamt about during endless nights in the hospital – to run with a dog on a beach near my home, to love and feel loved, to help people heal, and to build a healthy life.
In today’s blog post, I would like to share with you 14 ideas and quotes from Dr Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Retreat:
14 quotes by Dr Joe Dispenza
1. Your personality creates your personal reality.
Your personality is made up of how you act, how you think, and how you feel.
2. When we become aware that we don’t have something we want, we naturally experience the emotion of lack from not having what we desire.
This is how we begin creating through our imagination. It is our natural, innate propensity to be creators at play. The more we think about these things and imagine what it would be like to have them, the more our brain naturally starts creating pictures and images of what our future could look like. This is what it means to dream the dream of the future.
3. When you’re living in survival, you’re trying to control or force an outcome.
That’s what the ego does. When you’re living in the elevated emotion of creation, you feel so lifted that you would never try to analyze how or when a chosen destiny will arrive. You trust that it will happen because you have already experienced it in mind and body—in thought and feeling.
You are in a state of gratitude because you feel like it’s already happened. You may not know all the specifics of your desired outcome—when it will take place, where, and under what circumstances—but you trust in a future that you can’t see or otherwise perceive with your senses.
4. We cannot create a new future, by holding on to the emotions of the past.
Same thoughts always lead to the same choices, same choices lead to the same behavior and the same behaviors lead to same experiences and the same experiences produce the same emotions and these emotions drive the very same thoughts.
5. Your thoughts and feelings come from your past memories.
If you think and feel a certain way, you begin to create an attitude. An attitude is a cycle of short-term thoughts and feelings experienced over and over again. Attitudes are shortened states of being. If you string a series of attitudes together, you create a belief.
Beliefs are more elongated states of being and tend to become subconscious. When you add beliefs together, you create a perception. Your perceptions have everything to do with the choices you make, the behaviors you exhibit, the relationships you chose, and the realities you create.
6. Spend time contemplating who you want to be.
The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.
7. The true purpose of meditation is to enter into the subconscious mind.
You will learn that the true purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind and enter into the subconscious mind so you can make real and permanent changes. If you get up from meditation as the same person who sat down, nothing has happened to you on any level.
When you meditate and connect to something greater, you can create and then memorize such coherence between your thoughts and feelings that nothing in your outer reality—no thing, no person, no condition at any place or time—could move you from that level of energy. Now you are mastering your environment, your body, and time.
8. You don’t need the external world to provide you with a reason to feel joy.
Can you accept the notion that once you change your internal state, you don’t need the external world to provide you with a reason to feel joy, gratitude, appreciation, or any other elevated emotion?
9. Where you place your attention, is where you place your energy.
10. To truly change is to think greater than your environment.
To think greater than the circumstances in your life, to think greater than the conditions in the world… As long as you are thinking equal to your environment, you keep creating the same life… When one holds a dream independent of the environment, that’s greatness.
11. Break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self.
If we want to change some aspect of our reality, we have to think, feel, and act in new ways; we have to “be” different in terms of our responses to experiences. We have to “become” someone else. We have to create a new state of mind … we need to observe a new outcome with that new mind.
12. We see our beliefs as truths, not ideas that we can change.
(…) we’re addicted to our beliefs; we’re addicted to the emotions of our past. We see our beliefs as truths, not ideas that we can change. If we have very strong beliefs about something, evidence to the contrary could be sitting right in front of us, but we may not see it because what we perceive is entirely different.
We’ve in fact conditioned ourselves to believe all sorts of things that aren’t necessarily true—and many of these things are having a negative impact on our health and happiness.
13. The hardest part about change is not making the same choices you made the day before.
To think greater than the circumstances in your life, to think greater than the conditions in the world… As long as you are thinking equal to your environment, you keep creating the same life… When one holds a dream independent of the environment, that’s greatness.
14. Change is a choice, instead of a reaction.
When you marry a clear intention (intention being a thoughtful process), with an elevated emotion (which is a heartfelt process), you move into a new state of being.