Imaginarium – Creative Youth for Sustainable Future
In the Imaginarium project, we are introducing creativity using the Design Thinking and Future Thinking methodologies that will enable a proactive search for development solutions for tomorrow.
Many social challenges that we are facing, such as climate change, inequality and poverty, have been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has accelerated the change in relationship between people, the world around us, our belongings, our health, our data and our governments. On the one hand, our connection with our communities has become stronger, but on the other hand, social distancing has restricted us to purely online socialising, which can cause screen fatigue and isolation. Many dark narratives are being created, featuring environmental, social and economic crises. However, these uncertainties need not frighten or paralyze us; they can help us anticipate, prepare and reinvent the narrative to a more hopeful future. Avoiding or minimizing risk — as well as finding and maximizing new opportunities— requires imagination and leadership.
Youth education project no: 2020-1-LU01-KA227-YOU-078059
Project duration: 03.2021 – 02.2023