In today’s blog, I’m going to give you an overview of Erasmus+ accreditation, a mechanism that makes it easier for educational organisations to apply for FREE courses abroad.

An Erasmus+ accreditation is available for all organisations active in the field of education: pre-schools, schools, NGOs, and youth organisations. The 19th of October is the deadline to apply for this accreditation. Accredited Erasmus organisations will gain simplified access to Key Action 1 funding opportunities under the Erasmus+ Programme (2021-2027). In a nutshell, this means that once your organisation gets this accreditation, it will be much easier to send your staff, students and beneficiaries to FREE training courses abroad like the ones we offer in Ireland, Tenerife and Poland.

This year to help you successfully apply for accreditation, we have translated our best selling accreditation guide into POLISH! You can get it here.

Get in touch if you would like us to help you to apply for this accreditation.

Source: webgate

Erasmus+ accreditation for years 2021-2027

With this accreditation, your organisation proves that it has formulated a plan to implement high-quality mobility activities as part of a wider effort to develop your organisation, i.e. an Erasmus Plan. You’ll have to describe the strategic development plan for your organisation for the next 2-5 years, what has to happen (what kind of training is needed for your staff and students or clients) year by year, and the tools you need for this change to happen. This may include the different types of training needed such as job shadowing and collaborations with international partners.

Deadline (school education, vocational education and training, adult education): 19 October 2021 at 12:00 CET. Youth education: 31 December 2021

Online applications can be found here.

There are different applications for different education fields:

  • Erasmus accreditation for School Education,
  • Erasmus accreditation for Vocational Education and Training,
  • Erasmus accreditation for Adult Education,
  • Erasmus accreditation for Youth.

Be careful with the eligibility criteria! If your organisation is eligible under more than one field and you plan to develop projects under these different fields, you need to submit separate Erasmus accreditation applications.

Eligibility criteria 

In the field of adult education:

  • Organisations providing formal, informal, and non-formal adult education
  • Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of adult education

In the field of vocational education and training:

  • Organisations providing initial or continuing vocational education and training
  • Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the field of vocational education and training
  • Companies and other public or private organisations hosting, training or otherwise working with learners and apprentices in vocational education and training

In the field of school education:

  • Schools providing general education at pre-primary, primary or secondary level
  • Local and regional public authorities, coordination bodies and other organisations with a role in the school education field

Once you choose the education field, you will be able to open an application form:

Accreditation objectives

One of the most important steps is to ensure that your application aligns with the accreditation objectives:

In all three fields:

Strengthening the European dimension of teaching and learning by:

  • promoting values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance, and democratic participation
  • promoting knowledge about shared European heritage and richness in diversity
  • supporting development of professional networks across Europe


In the field of adult education:

Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area and to the European Skills Agenda by:

  • increasing the quality of formal, informal and non-formal adult education
  • improving the quality of the adult education offer through professionalisation of its staff and building capacity of adult education providers to implement high quality learning programmes
  • increasing the quality of teaching and learning in all forms of adult education, and making it relevant to the needs of the society at large
  • improving the provision of adult education for key competences as defined by the EU framework (2018), including basic skills (literacy, numeracy, digital skills) and other life skills
  • building the capacity of adult education providers and other organisations with a role in the adult education field to carry out high quality mobility projects
  • raising the participation of adults of all ages and socio-economic background in adult education, especially by fostering participation of organisations working with disadvantaged learners, small adult education providers, newcomers to the Programme and less experienced organisations, as well as community-based grassroots organisations 


In the field of vocational education and training:

Contributing to the implementation of the Council Recommendation on vocational education and training and the Osnabrück Declaration and to the European Skills Agenda, and to the creation of the European Education Area by:

  • increasing the quality of initial and continuing vocational education and training (IVET and CVET)
  • strengthening key competences and transversal skills, in particular language learning
  • supporting the development of job specific skills needed in the current and future labour market
  • sharing best practices and promoting the use of new and innovative pedagogical methods and technologies, and supporting the professional development of teachers, trainers, mentors and other staff in VET
  • building the capacity of VET providers to carry out high quality mobility projects, and their ability to form quality partnerships while developing their internationalisation strategy
  • making mobility a realistic possibility for any learner in IVET and CVET, and increasing the average duration of mobility for VET learners to increase its quality and impact
  • fostering the quality, transparency and recognition of learning outcomes of mobility periods abroad, especially by using European tools and instruments for this purpose


In the field of school education:

Increasing the quality of teaching and learning in school education by:

  • supporting professional development of teachers, school leaders and other school staff
  • promoting the use of new technologies and innovative teaching methods
  • improving language learning and language diversity in schools
  • supporting the sharing and transfer of best practices in teaching and school development

Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area by:

  • building capacity of schools to engage in cross-border exchanges and cooperation, and carry out high quality mobility projects
  • making learning mobility a realistic possibility for any pupil in school education
  • fostering recognition of learning outcomes of pupils and staff in mobility periods abroad



Applicant that have previously used a PIC number (Participant Identification Code) should not register again. These applicants have automatically received an OID and are able to find it in the Organisation Registration System by following the link below.

Applicants that have never participated in Erasmus+ (2014-2020) must register for an OID through the Organisation Registration System

Get in touch if you would like us to help you to apply for this accreditation and check our courses in Ireland, Tenerife and Poland!

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