Six pillars of a well-being strategy

Six pillars of a well-being strategy

Marzena and I would like to invite you and your organisation to work together to build a culture of well-being. Our expertise and experience, combined with our deep conviction that well-being is possible but still not present in many organisations, have made us want...
Money saved thanks to Work-Life Balance

Money saved thanks to Work-Life Balance

Both Marzena and I mostly dedicate our blogs to topics where words count more than numbers. At the same time, we are totally aware that money is a key factor behind most of our needs. Work-life balance doesn’t come for free. Quite the opposite – it is purely an...
Transform your stress into positive energy

Transform your stress into positive energy

Your heart beats fast, your breathing becomes shallower, your mouth might start to feel dry. Your senses sharpen. You are ready, probably to fight or flee. You certainly know this state well. Me too. That’s why there have already been so many articles on this...